See FAQ below for more information.
In development

A farm hand uncovers what his boyfriend secretly writes for a living, and after revealing what he learned, he also reveals a secret of his own…

Released 06/15/20

Summerfin is a small little one-shot about two fishyfolk lovers enjoying the rest of summer together. Alone. On a family-owned private beach. Mako’s finally ready to make love to Akiko but there’s just one big detail they still feel shy about telling her…

There are three versions available on a doujin’s store page.
Free Edition
As it says on the tin.
1700x2400px (72dpi)
850x1200px (72dpi)
- Low-res comic pages
- Some artwork
- Released 2 weeks after initial release date
- Share it anywhere you like!
Full Edition
$5 USD
4299x6071px (72dpi)
1700x2400px (72dpi)
- Hi-res comic pages
- PDF of the comic
- All artwork + comic thumbnails
- Released on release date
- For private viewing only
Fan Edition
$8-10 USD
4299x6071px (72dpi)
1700x2400px (72dpi)
- Everything from Full Edition
- Script in PDF format
- PSD of the comic cover
- Released on release date
- For private viewing only
Free translator blanks are available separately.
You can also purchase a bundle of the extras from the Fan Edition separately for $3 USD.
You get the entire comic regardless of the edition.
What does “doujin” mean?
同人 “doujin” means self-published creator(s). In this context, however, it means self-published comics. I call them that to differentiate it from my one-off mini comics.
What language will they be in?
Will they be DRM-protected?
No. You’re allowed to share the free version in good faith.
Will you publish them on dlsite/melonbooks/etc?
No. It requires heavily censoring my works which I don’t like.
Will there be a print version available?
No, sorry. I don’t have a secure space to print out my works.
Will there be any samples or free previews?
A 10-page teaser will always be available upon the initial release date and then the full comic will be released 2 weeks later.
Can I read them somewhere else online?
Yes, you can read them on comicfury.
Edited January 6th, 2025.